April 28th – Online Portfolio Review


Let’s talk photos!

3rd PICZ online Portfolio Review Session

Here we go for another Portfolio Review. – Every participant should prepare a set of around 4 images (in case we are only a few participants it can be more) of their own work and send them latest until 2pm on the date of the event to me.

I will prepare a presentation showing each photo and the whole series. Since this is a beginner portfolio review we will obviously discuss the photos in a slightly different way and focus on composition, light, exposure, techniques and post processing.

There is no major topic given for this session, all genres are very welcome. However, please stick to a content suitable for right after people had dinner.

  • When: April 28th, 2020 19:30 (~2.5h)
  • Where: Our temporary virtual club home: [Direct Link to Zoom Video Conference]
  • Who: Open to all PICZ-Members. A maximum of 6 portfolios will be discussed.
  • How: Please send your images to piczreview@hinnerk-weiler.com
    (JPG, min. 2.000px long side, 100%). If your email does not provide it, let me know your real name in the mail or better name the file accordingly.

Hope to see many of you,


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Apr 30th – Basic Image Editing in Photoshop
April 28th – Online Portfolio Review

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