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Die Freuden des Ozeansegelns

Die Freuden des Ozeansegelns

Zuerst habe ich ChatGPT gebeten, mir einige Überschriften zum Thema Ozeansegeln zu erzeugen. “Die Freuden des Ozeansegelns” war der dritte Vorschlag. Als Nächstes bat ich das Programm, mir einen Text zur Headline zu generieren: Schreibe bitte einen Text in 300 Wörtern über die Freuden des Ozeansegelns. …

Ocean Flow

Ocean Flow

North Sea, Klitmöller Denmark 2020 …

Sailing Journalist, Photographer & Podcaster …
Sailing Journalist, Photographer & Podcaster …

… from Germany living in Switzerland. – Currently confined like many other people. However, I enjoy the solitude of these slow times, of walking the dog, and my camera. – To me it is the perfect situation to shoot landscapes around my home. You can find them collected in a project here called #Cham360. Taking landscapes has always been like a short meditation under the open sky. I enjoyed it while traveling, embraced it when working on an assignment and still do relive many magic moments when post processing them at home. Here you can see some of my visual works. Many of them are related to open water, yachting and travelling the world’s oceans. If you enjoy these views, you are welcome to browse for more and share them to your friends and colleagues …



Venice 2017 …

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